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BUDDHIST TALK by Peter Malinowski BUDDHIST TALK by Peter Malinowski
For the full programme please see events page ....
Peter will be giving a public talk entitled "Buddhist Meditation" at the Exeter Phoenix in Gandy Street. He has been a student of Lama Ole Nydahl
New contact details and information for Schools interested in finding out more about Buddhism and Meditation here. The centre is on New North Road approximately 100 metres from the clock tower when travelling towards the Exeter College from the town centre direction. We are the last house on the left hand side immediately before the traffic lights. It's the yellow house with a brown front door.
The latest international teaching schedule for Lama Ole Nydahl can be found on his website here. Lama Ole Nydahl's Travel Plan
DATE: Fri, Feb 16th @ 19:00
SUBJECT: The Three Pillars in Buddhism
Exeter Diamond Way Buddhist Centre
DATE: Sat, Feb 17th @ 14:00
SUBJECT: Buddhist Meditation
Exeter Phoenix (Workshop)
About Peter Malinowski
for over thirty years and travels around the world giving Buddhist talks at the request of the Lama. Peter is a Reader in Cognitive Neuroscience and directs the Meditation Research Laboratory at LJMU's Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour. Meditation Research Laboratory link
Buddhism in Schools
Directions to the Buddhist Centre
Lama Ole Nydahl's Travel Plan 2024
Welcome to the Exeter Diamond Way Buddhist website
Hello, and a warm welcome to you from the Diamond Way Buddhist centre here in Exeter, Devon. The centre was opened in 2004 and is one of over 655 international Diamond Way Buddhist centres and groups around the world. Our centres were founded by Lama Ole Nydahl according to the wishes of H.H. the 16th Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje. We follow the spiritual guidance of H.H. the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, Thaye Dorje. and are part of the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism which is a noble tradition that can be traced back to the historical Buddha Shakyamuni.
Meditation is a major cornerstone to the Diamond Way Buddhist practice. Our meditation brings a calmness and new awareness of oneself although this is when our practice of working with mind is just beginning. Through our meditation we work on developing additional qualities such as wisdom and compassion for all sentient beings. It is this which gives us a true inner happiness and with regular meditation these positive personal developments become part of our everyday lives.
If you are interested in learning more about Buddhist philosophy and its meditation practices then please have a look at our meditation centre page to find out about our meditation times & introductory evenings or see what public events are coming up in and around the Exeter area.
Teachings about Meditation and Buddhism with H.H the 17th Karmapa.
Talking about Buddhism - Youtube Video Clips with Lama Ole Nydahl.
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